Sunday, June 22, 2008


No, Dubya didn't coin this one; this is a new Peetieism. Peetie was talking about his cousin who got married today and he announced, with a giggle, "They must be having sexury now". Being the curious type, I asked him what that meant. As always, he shot me a look of "I can't believe how many things I have to explain to you", but was too busy giggling to give it more thought. "Sexury" he said, "is when the man's weenie sticks out straight and he is wearing shorts and the girl is wearing a bikini and they lie down and rub their legs together."

Peals of laughter followed this explanation, with James chiming in wholeheartedly.

"Bikini?", I asked. "

"Yes, and it is all jiggly", he replied.

More maniacal laughter.

"And the man wears sunglasses or glasses with the brown glass in them", he added.

After a final burst of gut-busting guffawing, the conversation shifted to admiring James' latest subject-changing "butt burp". For once, I welcomed it.


kate said...

my favorite favorite favorite part is how the dude's gotta be wearing sunglasses. i know some people and have seen some movies that have been breaking these rules.

shawn and sara said...

oh awesome! Yes that is so awesome! I love little kids.

Psuedoswede said...

I picture some cheezy looking dude; wrinkly skin and wearing nothin' but dark shades and a bow tie about his gangly neck. He's standing in front what looks like a vine covered gate to some sort of arboretum.

Like a MaƮtre d', he sweeps his arm welcoming you in.

"Welcome to...Sexury"