Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Flip Flops

Now that flip-flop season is here, I am deep in the torture of foot-slapping shoes. I don't know why it drives me crazy. I wear them, too. People who walk in a good rhythm don't bother me. But flip-floppy shoes; especially the ones with high heels... it looks like they are going to fall over any minute and it makes me nervous. I also get a sense of vulnerability with the high heeled ones. Too easy to get knocked over and lose your grounding. I don't like being outside at night in them. I once watched my niece race her Dad wearing flip flops - really race her Dad - and beat him. He was wearing running shoes and is not a slow runner. I was truly impressed with that. What kind of crazy strong feet can keep flip-flops on and run like that? Do men resent that women can go practically barefoot in the working world while they still wear socks and shoes? I haven't seen any 'mandals' where I work. I'm grateful for that.

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