Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Okay - everyone that knows me has heard my lament about the lack of availability of lifesavers in rolls in all the yummy flavors. Also, the fact that they now come in little individual cellophane packs with one lifesaver on 'roids'. Who says bitching doesn't pay off? My fabulous friend Jules has been on the hunt for rolled lifesavers like a dog on a bone! Not only did she buy an entire box of properly rolled lifesavers at a truck stop for me ( in the only flavors they had; spear o mint and pep o mint) but today she called and informed me that the long elusive Butter Rum (my personal favorite) has been found in the gift shop at two hospitals! There is hope. The hunt continues, but in the meantime, does anyone remember Reeds? I have a thing for rolled candy.

1 comment:

shawn and sara said...

i love butter rum life savers! but i have really killed any desire i have for sweets that are made of sugar and food coloring. chocolate is my all time and with peanut butter i'm in heaven.