Monday, August 6, 2007

Lutsen and Duluth

I drove by the house I lived in when Kate was a baby and I remembered the phone number; it just popped into my head! I love the weather up north - if you are a little chilly, you can wrap up in a blanket or a sweatshirt and it is such a comforting thing to do. When people are in shock, you wrap them with a blanket; what can you do that is comforting when you're too hot? Not much. At least if you are cold, there are things you can do about it: light a fire, snuggle, use blankets and warm socks, hot chocolate or tea, etc. It's so loving to offer someone warmth if they are cold. Even saying "extra blanket" is a love-thing. If you're too hot, you're screwed. All you can do is sit there and be hot. Or, find an environment that is cold and start over with the above.

I ate the best fresh corn-on-the-cob I have ever eaten in my life at the Fisherman's Picnic in Grand Marais. I'm not sure I will ever want to eat corn again. James and I stopped at Perkins on the way up and although he initially sat across from me in the booth, he moved over to sit next to me for the rest of the time. Hard to describe how that feels. Peetie figured out how to shoot the arrows from the cheapo bow and arrow set we bought in Grand Marais. He named his new stuffed moose, Thidwick Crank. Or, T.C. for short.
Peetie vocab:
Anything that is not smooth on your skin= dimple
Nostrils = nozzles
Intestines = Einsteins

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