Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My joy

The four most amazing creatures.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

sentimental boy

After a rough evening of parenting, the boys were finally in bed and I was washing dishes. James slowly padded out of his room , came up behind me at the sink and put his arms around me. "Thanks for being such a good mom when I'm being a brat" he said. "You're welcome honey, now back to bed", I replied.

A few moments later, he returned, hugged me again and said, "Thanks for giving me life and stuff". He turned and went back to his room before I could say anything and it didn't seem necessary to say anything. Smiles, tears and dishwater mix very well together.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Agile Viscosity

The boys asked me what "molasses" is and I told them it's like syrup only much thicker and slower. Then Peetie says, "Oh, well then it's viscous. It has viscous properties". Earlier that day we were watching James climb a tree and Peetie said, "He has great agility to be able to do that."
Between his vocabulary and his expertise at making fart noises, this kid has it made.